
Attestation Management- 2023 Update
Map View, Version History, New Attestation Workflows & More Attestation Management - The Latest Version is Here!

New approaches with robotics in the construction industry - Thomas Bock
A robotised construction site that brings more efficiency and facilitates the work of humans - a vision of the future or already feasible today?
Data integration - following the path of the data
Where is valuable data being lost and how could we use it for ourselves? This article will enlighten you about it.
Open BIM vs. Closed BIM
This blog post explains BIM and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of system landscapes.
PropTechs and ConTechs
Innovative technologies of the construction industry and how through cooperative collaboration, connectivity is created.

Tenera - brings the construction industry into line.
Not only thanks to the new look. More than just a new design. Learn everything about our rebranding, in this blog entry.