
Innovative Forms of Project Execution Conquer the Construction Industry: Maximilian Budau from KIT Explains IPD

Benedikt Anders talks to us about networked working and digital interaction with subcontractors

Caroline Sturm shares with us her experiences on automating processes along the value chain for more sustainability

How can lean drive the digital transformation of the construction industry? Patrick Theis describes a mindset shift and makes a forecast

Where does the digital transformation start in the company? Sebastian Koch talks about potential for improvement, acceptance and appreciation.
Where is valuable data being lost and how could we use it for ourselves? This article will enlighten you about it.
This blog post explains BIM and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of system landscapes.

Tips for cost controlling in the construction industry. In this blog entry we give you 3 tips that guarantee more project success.

In the following blog entry, we will show you six valuable tips on how to create a useful price list.

7 project activities you should measure and evaluate. Scalable project activities and current performance indicators in the construction industry.