Franziska Schmudezki

InnovationNew approaches with robotics in the construction industry - Thomas Bock

A robotised construction site that brings more efficiency and facilitates the work of humans - a vision of the future or already feasible today?

Speaking with the industry Digital subcontractor management - Freyler

How can you generate added value for all stakeholders through innovation? Find out in this blog post.

Challenge & SolutionThe digitalisation of the construction industry in a global comparison

How are the countries of the world approaching the digitalisation of the construction industry? The hurdles are often the same, but the approaches differ greatly.

Challenge & SolutionThe digitisation of the construction industry in figures

What do the players in the construction industry think about the topic of digitalisation? We conducted a survey with over 500 participants.

InnovationData integration - following the path of the data

Where is valuable data being lost and how could we use it for ourselves? This article will enlighten you about it.

InnovationPropTechs and ConTechs

Innovative technologies of the construction industry and how through cooperative collaboration, connectivity is created.

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